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  • Daily Electronics Knowledge Lesson 22-Laser driver

    A laser driver is an electronic device used to control and drive the operation of a laser. It can excite the laser by providing a current or voltage signal, causing it to generate a unique laser beam.


    The working principle of a laser driver is typically based on the operation mechanism of a laser diode (LD) or a solid-state laser. For a laser diode, the laser driver provides a current signal to generate laser emission by exciting the semiconductor material. For a solid-state laser, the laser driver uses a high-voltage pulse driving circuit to excite the laser medium, causing it to generate laser emission.

    Advantages of laser drivers include:


    1. Precise control: Laser drivers can provide precise current or voltage signals, enabling precise control of the laser. They can adjust parameters such as output power, frequency, and wavelength of the laser.


    2. High efficiency: Laser drivers can provide high-efficiency driving signals, converting electrical energy into laser energy, thereby enhancing the efficiency and output capability of the laser.


    3. Reliability: Laser drivers are designed with precision, using high-quality components and stable driving circuits. They have strong anti-interference ability and the ability to work stably for long periods of time.


    Common combinations of laser drivers include laser diodes and solid-state lasers. The laser driver paired with a laser diode is typically a constant current source, which allows for precise control of the laser diode's current. The laser driver paired with a solid-state laser is usually a pulse drive source, which uses high-voltage pulse signals to excite the laser medium and generate pulsed laser output.


    Laser drivers are widely used in many industries, including:


    1. Laser processing: Laser drivers play a crucial role in laser cutting, laser marking, laser welding, and other laser processing applications.


    2. Medical aesthetics: Laser drivers are used in medical aesthetic devices such as laser hair removal, laser freckle removal, laser tattoo removal, etc., providing precise laser outputs for selective destruction of skin lesions.


    3. Communication and fiber optic transmission: Laser drivers are used in optical communication and fiber optic transmission systems to drive optical communication devices such as optical modulators, laser amplifiers, etc., providing stable laser output signals.


    4. Scientific research experiments: Laser drivers are used in scientific research experiments to excite laser light sources and generate lasers of specific wavelengths and powers for various research fields, including physics experiments and biological experiments.


    In summary, a laser driver is an electronic device used to control and drive lasers, by providing current or voltage signals to excite the lasers. It has advantages such as precise control, high efficiency, and reliability. Common combinations include laser diodes and solid-state lasers, which are commonly used in industries such as laser processing, medical aesthetics, communication and fiber optics, and scientific research experiments.

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  • Daily Electronics Knowledge Lesson 20-Half-bridge driver.

    The full-bridge driver is a commonly used circuit for driving motors or other loads. It consists of two complementary parallel transistors, known as the upper bridge arm and the lower bridge arm. When the upper bridge arm is conducting, the load is connected to the positive power supply, and the load current flows through the upper bridge arm and the load itself. When the lower bridge arm is conducting, the load is connected to the negative power supply, and the load current flows through the lower bridge arm and the load itself. Typically, the conduction and non-conduction of the upper and lower bridge arms are controlled by PWM levels.

    The advantages of full-bridge driver include:

    1. All-directional and bidirectional control: The full-bridge driver can control the motor's forward, reverse, and stop motion. It can flexibly control the movement direction of the load.

    2. High voltage efficiency: The full-bridge driver can efficiently drive the load using the input power supply's voltage, reducing energy losses.

    3. Strong controllability: By adjusting the duty cycle of the PWM signal, the size of the load current can be accurately controlled, achieving precise control of the load.


    The disadvantages of a full-bridge driver include:

    1. High complexity: The design and control of a full-bridge driver are relatively complex, requiring proper control of the on and off states of the upper and lower bridge arms.

    2. High cost: Due to the need for two transistors and PWM control circuits, a full-bridge driver has a higher cost.


    Common applications of full-bridge drivers include single-phase DC motors, stepper motors, and DC brushless motors. Full-bridge drivers are widely used in embedded systems for industrial automation, robotic control, electric vehicles, aerospace, and other fields.

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  • Daily Electronics Knowledge Lesson 20-UARTs

    UARTs are the abbreviation for Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter, which is a communication protocol used for serial communication between computers and external devices.


    The working principle of UART is to communicate through transmitting binary data. It converts the data to be transmitted into serial data, which is then transmitted through a wire, and then restored to parallel data at the receiving end. UART communicates data transmission through two communication lines, TX (transmit) and RX (receive). The transmitting end converts the data into serial data and sends it, while the receiving end converts the received serial data into parallel data.

    The advantages of UART include:

    1. Fast communication speed, reaching several tens of Mbps.

    2. Simple hardware circuit with lower cost.

    3. Supports baud rate adaptation to accommodate different communication speeds.

    4. Simple to use, does not require complex protocols.


    The disadvantages of UART include:

    1. Can only perform point-to-point communication and does not support simultaneous communication with multiple devices.

    2. Short transmission distance, typically not exceeding several tens of meters.

    3. Easily susceptible to interference, sensitive to electromagnetic interference and signal attenuation.



    Common combinations of UART include:

    1. Communication between microcontrollers and sensors or peripherals.

    2. Communication between computers and external devices such as printers or modems.


    UART is widely used in various industries, including:

    1. Electronics manufacturing industry: in areas such as mobile phones, computers, automotive electronics, etc.

    2. Industrial automation: used for communication between control systems, sensors, actuators, and other devices.

    3. Communication field: used for transmitting data, voice, and other information.

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